

10月9日: holy shit

 Good lord its been a whole ass month since I posted lmao.

I promised I would keep up with this, but life has been all over the place for me.

good and bad.

🎃October updates:🎃

I gots new hair!🌟
I wasn't anticipating going grey/silver but i was like....fuck it why not?
so I have to change my halloween costumes a bit this year lmao.
I was gonna bring back clefable this year but i might settle for a bride of frankenstein look lmao
Also Tiffany chewed through my stream lights AND my nintendo switch power cord
so I finally decided to FULLY bunny proof my damn computer area.
So last time i posted I mentioned my first charity stream!
It was amazing, and my Alien Babes helped me reach my goal!
I was so prouddd and my entire stream team Sistas Of The Fog smashed our total donation goal last month!
What else is new lol....I got new bed sheets!
They're so damn soft and so damn comfy and ugh its just so lovely getting new sheets yall.

Other life updates:
work has been....work....
It has its ups and downs honestly
The ups are when I'm working with exotics.
The exotic ER hospital has been a mini career goal and its been really fulfilling, yall.
(my ultimate dream is to work with large animals)
I won't lie there are times where its challenging and can be stressful when its a bunch of shit happening at once. But I trust in myself and my abilities more and more every day. 
My downs are when I'm at the other hospital. I won't go into too much detail since this blog is public lmao...but its just been too overwhelming and my entire work ethic has been in question which is such a huge slap to the face considering how much energy I have put into that hospital.
Its wild...but I've decided its time to depart from this place and move on to other opportunities.
Its really true that poor management can make or break a work place.